
OpenEMC - An emonTH mod for woodworkers

It's fantastic when we get top hear about our energy monitors being used for applications we have never have thought of. Here is one such example:

SolarMill Writes:

We've just published our first open source project! It's called OpenEMC, and it's a code modification for the emonTH sensor by the OpenEnergyMonitor project. OpenEMC translates temperature and humidity readings into an easy to understand equilibrium moisture content (EMC) value, useful for woodworkers and operators of solar kilns.

We’ve been using Open Energy Monitoring components for the past few months for power monitoring and love its open source flexibility.  We recently received an emonTH to monitor Temp and Humidity values in our workshop and have developed a useful modification to the firmware.

emonTH code is on GitHub:

Read more about this application on this technical and well written forum post by Bert Green and Andy Fabian.

emonTH in drying box

Stable EMCin Controlled Box

SolarMill make eco-friendly gifts and home decor using solar-powered machinery, they have a super cool looking workshop:

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