
EcoHome Lab: From Monitoring to Control

Last night I attended EcoHomeLab meetup in Manchester organised by the CarbonCoop.

EcoHomeLab monthly meetups at MadLab brings householders and green-technologists together to take control of home energy use and generation.

It was great fun to catch up with regular faces as well as meet many new interesting people.

I gave a short presentation overview of our efforts as OpenEnergyMonitor to make it as easy as possible for people to get started with energy monitoring and control (home automation) with a sustainability / energy saving focus.

I presented the recent work we have been doing to integrate platforms such as MQTT, Node-RED and openHAB ready-installed and pre-configured on the emonPi, our RaspberryPi based energy monitoring platform. These additional platforms run alongside Emoncms on the emonPi.

See the Integrations section of our user guide for more info

Here are copy of my slides from the event:

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