
Emoncms android App QR Code Scanner Setup

I would like to highlight a nice improvement to Emoncms and the Emoncms android app that has been contributed by community memebers @jumpmaster and @andy_taylor. See development forum thread on our shiny new forums.

Emoncms MyAccount page now displays a QR code and a couple of handy ‘Copy to Clipboard’ buttons for the API keys:

Emoncms QR code generator

This updated has been merged into the stable Emoncms branch V9.6. If your running an emonPi/emonBase jsut hit update to pull in the changes. The update will appear on in the next few days.

This QR code contains the Emoncms URL and read-API key to automate setting up the Emoncms android app. The update for the app to support the QR code scanner has been pushed to Googe Play. After the update just can the QR code to setup the app.

If your feeds are named use and use_kwh the app will automatically select use these feeds as the Power and kWh feeds.

Any issues, please post on the development forum thread.

Thanks again to everyone involved in the development and testing. It’s been great working with an enthusiastic development community over on the new forums. Onwards and upwards :-)

To engage in discussion regarding this post, please post on our Community Forum.
